Advance Care Planning AustraliaTM is a national project funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care, enabling Australians to make the best choices for their future health and care.

Our key work

Our work covers many activities related to advance care planning.


  • provide advice and support on advance care planning across Australia
  • provide training and education programs for health and care professionals
  • provide advance care planning guidance for health and care professionals
  • produce bespoke information for diverse communities and specific health settings.

Our vision

We aim to promote and improve advance care planning. Our vision is that people:

  • Have a voice
  • Can document their wishes and preferences
  • Are listened to by care providers
  • Have their wishes and preferences enacted

Leading to care that is in line with people’s wishes and preferences.

Our objectives for 2023-2026

  1. To engage and inform the community about advance care planning
  2. To engage and educate the health and aged care workforce about advance care planning
  3. To engage, connect, and inform key stakeholders, working collaboratively to improve systems that support and enhance advance care planning
  4. To contribute to the evidence base and knowledge sharing for advance care planning

Our position statements

Our position statements clarify our views on issues surrounding advance care planning and end-of-life.

See also