Advance Care Planning Australia has launched a toolkit to support the uptake and quality of advance care planning and advance care directives across Australia, ensuring that more Australians have choice and control over their future treatment decisions.
The Advance Care Planning Improvement (ACPI) Toolkit provides health and aged care services with resources to support organisational advance care planning uptake, performance monitoring, and quality improvement. The toolkit complies with the National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards and Aged Care Quality Standards.
The ACPI Toolkit has been developed to support health organisations and services:
- provide consistent ACP assessment tools
- collect a standardised and robust ACP dataset
- document and measure the quality of ACP in their healthcare settings.
Due to differences in laws governing medical treatment decisions and advance care planning across states and territories, a customised version of the toolkit has been developed for each jurisdiction.
Find out more about how you can access and use the toolkit in your workplace to support quality advance care planning.
This toolkit has been funded by the Australian Department of Health and Aged Care.